Tchaikovsky Sounds Funny: May 2014

Is this where I put in key words such as sex, lesbians, vampires, Christopher Lloyd and others things to which this blog do not pertain, but by putting them here, I may get hits from all the Christoper Lloyd lesbian vampire fans (and you know who you are)? This is the primarily humorous and occasionally rambling writings of Leon Tchaikovsky, humor writer. Enjoy.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

I Hear Tweet, Tweet Music

If I only had two billion dollars for every time I said something stupid...
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  4m
Kat. K-a-t. Kat. #SpellingBee #SpellingBeeCompetition
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  5m
Here is your punishment. Now just take the $2 billion and leave. #Clippers
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  3h
Seriously? Please do not leave your truck parked on railroad tracks while you go ask directions. Now it is not going anywhere.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  8h
How can CNN do a series on the Sixties? No one that was there remembers it.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 28
My condolences to friends and family of Lou Ferrigno, whose death was falsely reported earlier today. #louferrigno
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 28
For those of you hailing that Maya Angelou was a gun owner: you know, she also did some writing.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 27
You are more apt to be killed by a vending machine than by a shark. Especially if the shark attacks you with a vending machine.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 27
If the courts rule against unions soon, forget about the wealthy having most of the wealth. Worry about the wealthy getting even wealthier.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 26
Rep. Mike Fleck is not only the first gay Penna. legislator yet a rare unopposed incumbent to lose: Anti-gay Republican write-ins won,.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 26
Sen. John Eichelberger (R)  says he knew Rep. Mike Fleck (R) is gay but that Fleck shouldn't have come out. Republicans don't like truths.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 26
If you believe the economic grows faster when the wealthy sit on their money, you probably will love the "trickle down" theory.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 26
How hard is it to understand that lower incomes have larger multiplier effects in spending money faster so economic development increases?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 26
Remember to always clearly identify who is the secret CIA station chief when inviting them over for dinner.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 26
Sadly, recent news further stigmatizes those with intellectual disabilities, who are more apt to be victimized by those who don't understand
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 26
"Yahoo" running "What kind of men does a woman want?" along with story that  women don't want to date sociopathic pre-multiple killers.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 26
No, those "Hollywood Welcomes Abortion Barbie" posters are not meant for you.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 26
I am having troubles finding a roofer whose ankle bracelet lets the roofer reach where I live.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 25
There is a 50 mile stretch of Yellowstone National Park in Utah where no one lives to form a jury. My friends insist on taking me there.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 25
Remember, if you drug and rape your wife against your will, you may get 20 years in prison. Correction, you may get no time in prison.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 24
The Redskins could change their name to something even more offensive, such as Senators.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 24
When told I am on IMDB, I asked what the side effects are and how long will it last.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 24
I live at that point that no one likes: too kinky for vanilla yet not kinky enough for the non-vanilla.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 23
There was a naked guy arrested at the White House, and for once it was not a former President.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 23
A politician is someone who supports harsher penalties for doing something the politician wants legalized.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 23
The fact the term most googled by Pennsylvanians is "back shaving" is not going to help their social status.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 23
I hate it every time my old high school science teacher tells me he wants to cook some meth. I tell him, first, you taught Physics...
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 23
If gay marriage is allowed in Utah, then may a man have a wife and a husband?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 23
The Washington football team will change its name to one less offensive: the Duck Dynasty Honkies.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 22
I have come to realize that many Republicans flunked high school science.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 22
Police say alcohol involved in man having sex with a microwave. Who gives alcohol to a microwave?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 22
Adam Carolla, you are correct. There is no Gay Mafia. It is really known as the Gay Cosa Nostra.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 21
Axl Rose has been deemed the "Greatest Vocalist Ever". Luciani Pavarotti came in 14th. #AxlRose
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 21
Anyone feel the Cubs retirement gift to Jeter was one where they quickly looked around in back for something to give him?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 21
In Pennsylvania Governor's race, Kate McGinty should demand a recount. She was robbed.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 21
"It doesn't matter which side of the river I believe the baptism happened, since Jesus never existed." #WhatThePopeDidNotSay
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 21
I love the use of @hole. That only problem is Courtney Love keeps responding.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 21
Katy Perry will sing in my backyard for $500,000. That sounds reasonable.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 20
Remember, if you support requiring all voters to show ID, remember to bring  your own ID to the polls, Governor.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 20
In Pa. 13th Congressional: It's a Boy (le)!
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 20
OK, so Hollywood made $300 million publicizing the story of a man who stole $200 million Guy should have gone into the film industry instead
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 20
That Darn That #ReplaceMovieTitlesWithThat
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 20
Unpatriotic racists should stop watching "Wheel of Fortune".
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 20
Well, Miguel Olivio got an earful.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 20
The Koch brothers learned after being fined $35 million for a broken pipe that killed tow was to blame government for all their woes,
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 20
"Do you know what snake that is?" "Sure, that's Larry."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 19
"It's not that I didn't vote because I don't know who the candidates. I didn't vote because I know who the candidates are."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 19
That Michael Jackson has really cut back on his personal appearances ever since he died.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 17
#Godzilla to be released in some countries as #Allahzilla
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 17
So, Rep. Bachman, do you now favor the legalization of marijuana?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 17
I keep telling Michelle Bachman to wait until it's safe to drive.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 17
He was so dyslexic, instead of saying "Knock knock" he'd say "knock Knock."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 16
Ct. Governor to veto bill banning chocolate milk in schools. So stop stashing away gallons of the stuff in your lockers, Ct. students.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 16
I wonder if atheists believe there is no Zilla either. #GODZILLA  #Godzilla2014
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 16
Don't get your Judas Frigid Iscariot nighties twisted into a beehive. #CreativeCursing
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 16
Who keeps leaving me a shaker of salt?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 16
What made you happy today? #yokoQandA
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 15
Who will lead the political struggle in favor of masculine looking female politicians?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 15
"….and then they learned a fourth chord, and their fans abandoned them forever…"
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 15
Why are you shocked a company pays more on lobbying than it pays taxes? That's why it pays for lobbying.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 15
"She's so fickle, she put her profile on both OKComrade and ."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 15
Not all men use the phrase "not all men".
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 15
The Ethics of Bribing Professors for a Higher Grade #WorstCollegeCourses
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 15
A Study of Mid-18th Century Novels, from June 8 through June 12, 1754, #WorstCollegeCourses
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 15
There is a dating site called Stache Passions for those with mustaches. Sadly, it was way more guys with staches than gals with staches.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 15
A strong front entering Friday night can make for a weak end on Saturday and Sunday.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 15
Dear Atwater community: At ain't water, do not drink it. That is oil, and not like how the Clampetts found it.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 14
Advice: You may want to share on social media you are doing LSD while on LSD. The boss might not be especially understanding.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 14
James Bond, the Man with the Golden Shower #NaughtyComicBooks
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 14
Aquaman and Water Sports #NaughtyComicBooks
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 14
Superman and the Manhood of Steel #NaughtyComicBooks
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 14
Roger Rabbit Vibrates #NaughtyComicBooks
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
Hey, does anyone remember when I put all those petitions to get John Conyers on the ballot?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
Climate change is our way of getting bad at future generations for the ugly things they will say about us.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
If Hickory docks his dickory in the clock one more time, we're going to need a new clock #RuinANurseryRhyme
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
Hush, little baby, don't say a word. We're going to lawyer-up. #RuinANurseryRhyme
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
Twinkle, twinkle little star, Your tweaking is quite bizarre, #RuinANurseryRhyme
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
Mary, Mary quite contrary, now on Fox News gives commentary. #RuinANurseryRhyme
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
There was an old lady who lived in a shoe, and she still couldn't afford the mortgage payments. #RuinANurseryRhyme
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
Jack Sprat could eat no fat, so he lived longer than his fat-eating wife. #RuinANurseryRhyme
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
London Bridge is falling down, as are a third of bridges in the U.S. #RuinANurseryRhyme
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
Chelsea Handler is a modern non-political Hunter S, Thompson. #ChelesaHandler
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 13
What has Magic Johnson ever done? He's won more championships than Donald Sterling ever did, that's what.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 12
How much brain damage does a political operative have to insinuate a political opponent has brain damage?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 12
The majority of people don't like Obamacare but 60% want to keep it. Admit it, America, you have no idea what you want.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 11
To those concerned that Columbia Bush does not speak well: Neither did George, and he got elected President.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 11
Jodi Ernst states she qualified to be U.S. Senator because she can castrate a hog. I didn't know there was much call for that in the Capitol
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 11
Happy MILF Day.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 11
If you believe Obamacare implants chips inside you, you probably also believe Saddam Hussein was behind the September 11 terrorize attacks.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 9
Note to self: Stop posing in a Redskins uniform in my advertisements.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 8
Drat. I guess I shouldn't get a "CNG #1 FAN" license plate while driving in Mexico.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 8
There is a "serial popper" in Houston. When in Houston, watch your step/
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 8
Only I can squirt orange juice over my glasses into my eye.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 8
Today's tip: When getting arrested, do not insist you are Justin Timberlake. Police a.) are that that stupid and b.) wouldn't care.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 7
Why is it the only Republican candidate in 2012 realistic on climate change is not considered a realistic candidate?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 7
I said another Jon Huntsman run is a good idea, I did not say it is a viable one.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 6
Yogurt is New York's Official Snack Food. Pennsylvania's is a large pretzel, cheese steak, shoe fly pie, and french fries inside a sandwich.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 6
What's worse, that @MichaelShoemaker and @MikeSchur don't read your tweets, or that they have?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 6
Taxi, I need a ride to Rivera Street in the Bronx. What? It's not in your GPs? Here, I'll show you the way.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 6
I am joining the boycott of the Beverly Hills Hotel. I pledge to continue never having stayed there.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 6
Prayer before government meetings is fine, Court says. Now, demand a Wicca prayer be among them and see what happens.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 6
Note: Waving the French flag during Cinco de Mayo does not always go over well.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 5
If the WHCD loses money again this year, they will make up the difference by increasing the tuition of a Journalism student. #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 4
Does Happy Star Wars Day mean we are celebrating another Joan Rivers feud? #StarWarsDay
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 4
People are most unhappy in Illinois. Of course, that could just be the high number of Cubs fans.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 4
Who approved putting a sex shop behind a Bed, Bath, and Beyond called Here's Beyond?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 4
I could not get a date to the Nerd Prom. I am pretending this means I am a Super Nerd!
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 4
I picked the winner for the Kentucky Derby with a special system: I liked the name.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 4
Journalists afraid to be judgmental of Boko Haram religion: You know, I think even they agree they are rapists and sex slavery dealers.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
I thought I bought organic oat, not organic cat.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
"The Baltimore Sun is ahead by one shot glass." #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
"I think the name of the Washington Post White House Correspondent is Gene Weingarten." #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
"Last year's WHCD lost over $50,000. I wonder if it can get a government bailout. Let's take a roll call vote." #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
"New York Times. Washington Times. Same thing, right?" #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
"Do we even need to open these bottles? Anyone know if any of the Senators drink alcohol?" #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
"Is that blood on Chris Cillizza's shirt? Who did he punch?" #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
Everyone at the WHCD must present ID, and to sit at Donald Trump's table, a birth certificate. #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
Why is one lane to the WHCD blocked with a cone with Christie's photograph on it? #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
"Chris Christie needs another table. No, not for more people. He ate the table." #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
"Who placed George Clooney sitting next to Steve Wynn?" #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
"When I asked to site at the Bush Table, I didn't mean a table of editorial writers." #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
"I just hope Obama doesn't try to upstage Biden." #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
'Oh, look, there's an actual White House Correspondent. Oh, sorry, it's someone outside begging for quarters." #WHCD
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 3
A hard person to spot at a White House Correspondents dinner is a White House Correspondent.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 2
People are 90% water, except those from states with fracking, who are only 85% water.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 2
"I am crazy, and my mother didn't need to have me tested."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 1
Are we more surprised that a major Afgan torturer wound up lining in the US, or that he lives in a pink house?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 1
"I love to torture people, yet wearing pink makes me feel so pretty."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 1
Tours of Mexican drug cartel factories #BadVacationSpots
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 1
Now treading: Visiting #RobFord would be  one of those #BadVacationSpots
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 1
The Binge Eaters Tour of Grade C Restaurants #BadVacationSpots
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 1
Tour of current bombing practice sites. #BadVacationSpots
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  May 1
"Why, yes, I do expect a different result if I keep doing the same thing. So what does that make me?"
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 28
"I can't possibly be a racist. I have a Black Hispanic girlfriend. See, right here, in this photo, with all the other Blacks cropped out."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 28
They now have bird eating spiders in LA. The good news is when people see that, they never ever again take drugs.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 28
More people would rather see Sarah Palin (16%) run for President than see Rick Perry (14%) run for President.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 28
I first thought Donald Sterling was one of those outdated Mad Men characters. Turns out I was right.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 28
If no Blacks went to any Clippers game, I am sure the owner wouldn't mind.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 28
If you are told to crop all the Blacks out of your photos, you should question your relationship.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 27
Sometimes I enter a room and forget why I went there; other times I remember and then realize I am in the wrong house.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 27
A ghost writer is better able to truthfully make up facts.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 26
If you think 95% of divorces are women's fault, you're another Republican candidate who has not learned to keep quiet on women's issues.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 26
It would cost science $922,000 to make the Bionic Man. Yet it should still take Hollywood at least $100 million.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 25
"I am not a supporter of cockfighting…oh, and I am also against the kind where they use roosters."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 25
Justin Bieber has been detained. No, he is not a terrorist, although his music is torturous.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 25
When the Ky. U.S. Senate race is debating legalized cockfighting, you just know things will go downhill from there.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 25
Actually celebrating a Lame Office Holiday #LameOfficeHolidays
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 25
New Water Bottle in the Water Cooler Day #LameOfficeHolidays
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 25
Boss's Mistresses Birthday #LameOfficeHolidays
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 25
Two Days Until/After Hump Day #LameOfficeHolidays
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 25
"You know, white farmers were happier back in the days before the government supplied them with water."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 24
Wednesday #ThrowBackThursday
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 24
This is National Dog Bite Month. Is that for or against?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 24
When did not paying rent and shooting at police make one a conservative hero? If so,foe years, there have been lots of heroes in cities.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 24
I am thinking of running for President, I hear there is a club of similar people. Where is this club located? Do they serve beer?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 23
John Hinckley is really upset at himself today.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 23
Until they turn one of his works into a special effects action film, that William Shakespeare is just another hack writer.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 23
Happy birthday, Wrigley Field, and all those memories of your World Series Championships and your Loch Nest Monster sightings.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 23
In India, dummy candidates are run to confuse voters. In America, dummy candidates are elected and confuse everyone.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 23
Florida legislator arrested leaving Taco Bell. To be fair, his judgement was impaired: He was eating at Taco Bell.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 22
Seriously, I don't want Justin Bieber deported. Although I do sort of want his next recordings to be prison songs.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 21
One in four Americans do not believe the Earth revolves around the Sun. There you have it, the American voter.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 21
Remember,voters don't vote their economic interests, they vote on who doesn't hate America, as the TV tells them.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 21
Remember, voters do vote their economic interests, they vote on who doesn't hate America, as the TV tells them.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 21
Ds. also believe in patriotism, except we all know their leader is a Muslim socialist who flies the flag of that foreign nation Hawaii.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 21
In this era of the great wealth gap, who are the voters selecting the party of the wealthy, the Republicans? Rs. have money and patriotism.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 21
Stats. give Rs. 99% chance of continuing control of House. Chances of Obama programs getting through: only slightly better
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 21
The last time a Dem. President had a Supreme Court nominees approved by a Republican Senate was 1895. If Rs take Senate they may take the SC
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 20
Remember, Senator Blumenethal, you criticize train safety, we have trains that will take issue with that,
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 20
If you thought you saw a giant rabbit today, you are either a kid celebrating Easter or an adult too much celebrating 4/20,
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 20
"Great, I've been dead for two days, and now I got to push some giant rock."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 19
Chelsea Clinton's baby already has a 74% positive rating.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
I've seen a lot of the great bands. The young can still see some of them, if they only knew who they are.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
What nice neighbors! They are making sure the arrested man's stuff is OK by carrying it out to their apartments.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
"Yes, son, that man is going to prison." "But, mommy, he sold the good stuff."
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
I tell you, this place has gone downhill since Angelina Jolie moved out.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
Anyone looking for an apartment to rent?
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
If you are on probation and yelling "you can't drug test me, I know my rights", you don't know your rights.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
The "it's must have been there when I moved in" argument doesn't work if it is sitting on your living room table.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
When is it time to get a new front door? After you refuse to let in your probation officer.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
For tonight's entertainment, we have the classic neighbor refusing to open the door for the probation officer argument.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
Of course, reality shows in Ireland, I hear, are fantastic and pay everyone union wages. Right? Just so long as they show @LadyGrew
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
Now that I have done a reality show, I may despise myself.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 18
My reality was I was on a reality show filmed a year ago and I forgot I was on it until someone said they saw it. Reality is too confusing.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 17
The new thing in TV is to kill a character and then show the character isn't dead. I loved this concept back when it was called soap opera.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 17
Congratulations to Chelsea Clinton, who is now pregnant with our future President.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 17
My reaction to Mickey Rooney's estate valued at $18,000? The guy was loaded, man.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 17
You do realize that had President Clinton's secret service agent shot Mr. Met to death, Hillary would never have been elected NY Senator.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 17
The Secret Service agent who threatened to shoot Mr. Met to death must have been a Phillies fan.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 17
Oh, now I understand. He had eight wives, but not at the same time.
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 Leon Tchaikovsky @SexiestLyingWit  ·  Apr 17
I wish a rival studio head would spread a rumor about me in hopes of deflating my new contract. Best rumor I get is I burn the fries.

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