Tchaikovsky Sounds Funny: Tweets Nobler Than Anything I've Ever Done

Is this where I put in key words such as sex, lesbians, vampires, Christopher Lloyd and others things to which this blog do not pertain, but by putting them here, I may get hits from all the Christoper Lloyd lesbian vampire fans (and you know who you are)? This is the primarily humorous and occasionally rambling writings of Leon Tchaikovsky, humor writer. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tweets Nobler Than Anything I've Ever Done

Leon Tchaikovsky

If Rick Perry couldn't be on the Cabinet, he would then want that 8th Justice position. Oh yes he would.
Leon Tchaikovsky

If Rick Perry could be a Cabinet official, he'd want to be Secretary of Being Awesome.
Leon Tchaikovsky

If you follow me I'll promise not to return your book and demand double my money back.
Leon Tchaikovsky

They can't evict Courtney Love. She only set the place on fire once.
Leon Tchaikovsky

A historic magazine cover was the Governor Jimmy Carter cover where he was made to look like Kennedy.
Leon Tchaikovsky

If they did put chocolate inside them and secret Masonc images on the back, people would use the coin dollars.
Leon Tchaikovsky

You should run for Congress. We need more nerds in Congress. (Or at least, if only you knew someone in Congress...)
Leon Tchaikovsky

Call me cynical, but if someone contributes $20 million to your political campaign, I fear that person may want something in return.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Six Waltons have more money than 30% of Americans. Goodnight, John Boy. Goodnight tons of money.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Keep America American: 19th century Know Nothing slogan, 20th century KKK slogan, 21st century Romney slogan.
Leon Tchaikovsky

My condolenses to friends and family of Ron Paul, whose death was erronously reported on the Internet.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Romney hopes those zany candidates stay off his lawn.
Leon Tchaikovsky

My fortune cookie read "That was not chicken you just ate."
Leon Tchaikovsky

How missed me, I'll never know, I tweeted, disgruntled.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I just realized, when I freeze my jeans, maybe it is those powerful cranberries that was actually cleaning them all this time.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I'll vote for you, but I first want to see how you stand up against Rick Perry in a debate and..wait, never mind. You win.
Leon Tchaikovsky

A. Same first name. Q. What do Elizabeth Taylor and Queen Elizabeth have in common?
Leon Tchaikovsky

Don't worry men, they are making a new Bourne movie so outrageous even Matt Damon won't have anything to do with it.
Leon Tchaikovsky

If this also means no Grover Cleveland coins, then those are fighting words.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I'll drop out the Presidential race for a cup of Starbucks.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Wow, Brian Jones is working for Romney. All this time I thought he died in a swimming pool decades ago.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I believe the Sandusky team did not realize 1-800-REALITY was a gay sex line: they confused it with the child porn line.
Leon Tchaikovsky

thanks for your advocacy against bullying. I would like to invite you to dinner to discuss eliminating bullying
Leon Tchaikovsky

I would change my mind and run for President just to be in that debate.
Leon Tchaikovsky

George Ross to moderate a debate between Gary Johnson and Buddy Roemer.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Of course God exists. George Burns portrayed him in movies.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Being dyslexic, to me it is "Are you there, Dog? It is me, Noel." Happy Noel, which means I hope I am happy after all.
Leon Tchaikovsky

There will be a Real Housewives of the Kardashians.
Leon Tchaikovsky

If light has a mass, then all is mass. If mass needs more mass to grow, all mass is life. In the end, we are poop.
Leon Tchaikovsky

And in the end, it all comes out from the end.
Leon Tchaikovsky

From that perspective, they also must wonder why we put dog poop into bags.
Leon Tchaikovsky

All is forgiven, you can come back. Call me at 310-954-7277, and don't bring Charlie or Justin.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Gingrich sees the $10,000 and raises by $20,000 credit in Tiffany's.
Leon Tchaikovsky

When Rick Perry becomes President, there will be eight Justices. Oh, yes, there will.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Seriously, congratulations. The best I did was make the list of 5 Penn grads who truly disappointed us.
Leon Tchaikovsky

The Post isn't dying, it is just a chest cold, and a touch of the flu, and a bit of gout, and maybe some loss of feeling.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Bachman enthusiastically was thundergunning her views on climate change and the 2nd Amendment.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Will Romney and Gingrich start attacking "Michelle Santorum", and would doing this upset the one gay voter each has?
Leon Tchaikovsky

I balance Newt by talking about Newt in my first person.
Leon Tchaikovsky

On behalf of Alec Baldwin, I sincerely apologize to Alec Baldwin.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I senior aide to Leon Tchaikovsky is denying that he is going to run for President. FYI. You may quote him.
Leon Tchaikovsky

When Santorum mentioned "Petri dish" during the debate, I feared he was hitting on you.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I guess Mitt won't us the "Newt, I knew Ted Kennedy, and you're no Ted Kennedy" line.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Fred Thompson suspended his 2008 campaign; he could always unsuspend it anytime.
Leon Tchaikovsky

What? You ate an Domino's and not Godfather's. What are you, an unbiased journalist?
Leon Tchaikovsky

I'm an American, Chicago born, and I vote multiple times.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink, because I went drinking with Elmer Gantry.
Leon Tchaikovsky

When Dick Gibson was a boy, he was not Dick Gibson. He was a ballerina named Priscilla.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Emer Gantry was drunk, just as I wish I were now.
Leon Tchaikovsky

It was dark. It was stormy. It was night.
Leon Tchaikovsky

The sun shone, having no alternative, and, this is going to get sillier and sillier by the page.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Someone must have slandered Joseph K. for one morning he keyed a bunch of cars.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I am an invisible man, I'm over here, no, over here.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Happy families are all alike; they drink heavily and ignore their problems.
Leon Tchaikovsky

They call me Ishmael, or Izzy for short.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Around 85 years ago, maybe 86 or 87 years ago...
Leon Tchaikovsky

It was the best of times, it was the worse of times, it was so confusing no one knew what was going on.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Yo, youse hold these truths to be up yours.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Which Presidential candidate will be the first to buy Justin Bieber's perfume?
Leon Tchaikovsky

What is sad is I look at my Philly friends and realize that "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" doubles as a realistic documentary.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Hello, vodka, it's me, Chelsea Asshandler.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I wonder if Rick Perry could pass a citizenship test that he wants immigrants to pass?
Leon Tchaikovsky

People on Twitter are not more opinionated at all. It is fact the Muppets are a communist conspiracy to fluoridate toothpaste.
Leon Tchaikovsky

The new dangers in life: zumba and standing between Huntsman and an anti-global warming crowd.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I received my own burial headstone as a Christmas gift. (Honest, this is not one of my jokes.)
Leon Tchaikovsky

Romney picks his campaign theme song as "Born Free, and Don't Expect Any Government Help From Then On".
Leon Tchaikovsky

Was Pearl Harbor named for Minnie Pearl or for Pearl Bailey?
Leon Tchaikovsky

Congrats on Dr. Sonya. Every male should follow the advice of a great gynecologist such as Dr. Sonya.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Dan Quayle is endorsing Milt Romneye.
Leon Tchaikovsky

So, Herman Cain's wife took him to live on an upstate farm, where he may run free and be happy?
Leon Tchaikovsky

Saudi scholars stating letting women drive means an end to virginity really don't know what ends virginity.
Leon Tchaikovsky

After the end of the Trump hosted debates, does he get to fire one of the candidates from the race?
Leon Tchaikovsky

You do know there are guys who like Mesozoic lizard beasts?
Leon Tchaikovsky

Does anyone know at what temperature a kindle will burn up?
Leon Tchaikovsky

Shucks, and I had wanted a tattoo like that.
Leon Tchaikovsky

On the plus side, at least you didn't spend 13 years dating the owner of a pizza company running for President.
Leon Tchaikovsky

I am the 1,710th most famous person who "may or may not be Jewish", according to Google.
Leon Tchaikovsky

No, today's holiday is First Day of Deer Hunters Chasing Deers Into Oncoming Traffic. We celebrate it every year.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Q: What the difference between a lobbyist and a lawyer? A: A lawyer knows some of his clients are innocent.
Leon Tchaikovsky

My week on Twitter: 23 complaints to Twitter management, 3 lawsuits, and 2 recommendations I leave town.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Pepper spray is a vegetable, and can be served in school lunches.
Leon Tchaikovsky

Elvis Presley assassinated Kennedy in jealousy over Marilyn Monroe (my upcoming book explains it all: preorder now).
Leon Tchaikovsky

What is this rumor, something about you being bare with Justin Bieber?


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